Readers may wonder what our header photo depicts. On January 9, the students in Prof. Collens’s POSC 450 (Presidential Nominations) course traveled to Manchester, NH, where they spent a week working for their preferred campaigns, attending events, and meeting with key speakers. Of the hundreds of photos, we selected a handful for inclusion in the header photo.

Starting from the photo on the left and rotating clockwise, the photos depict:

  1. The entire group of 16 students (with Prof. Collens and Peter Cichetti of the Siena Research Institute) at St. Anselm College’s New Hampshire Institute of Politics
  2. McKenzie Franck being interviewed by a local news station at the Trump rally in Windham, NH
  3. Amanda canvassing with some Hillary Clinton signs and Goldfish
  4. A group shot of 9 students, Pete Cichetti, Prof. Collens, and Jeb(!) Bush (he’s lurking in the upper right of the photo)
  5. Cody with Chelsea Clinton
  6. McKenzie meeting Ted Cruz
  7. Eric getting a hug from Carly Fiorina
  8. Aubrey, after a particularly funny photo call she made for the Sanders campaign
  9. Samantha and Ted Cruz
  10. The entire group at the Trump rally

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